Monday, 16 November 2009

Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma

Colours are: gold symbol, ochre aura, red background.

This symbol is Mother energy and connects with DNA, it restores the seed blueprint to harmony and perfection. it can be used to speed up DNA activation.


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Thursday, 22 October 2009


Colours are: gold symbol, white pearlescent background.

The Antahkarana is an ancient healing symbol used in Tibet and China for thousands of years.

It is a symbol which has its own consciousness and is directed by the higher self, it works directly with the aura and chakras.



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Wednesday, 14 October 2009



Colours are: silver symbol, electric blue aura, blue background.


This is the second Master symbol of the traditional Usui system,

it is only ever used for the passing of attunements.


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Raku is the 5th and final Usui symbol, all following symbols are not “traditional” symbols, but are nevertheless an important part of Reiki today.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Dai Ko Myo

Colours are: Gold symbol, silver aura, blue background


There are two versions of Dai Ko Myo, this one is the traditional Usui Master symbol.

The other one will be shown with the non-traditional symbols later on.


Dai Ko Myo  connects with the spiritual body and is used for the passing of attunements as well as for healing.



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Sunday, 19 July 2009

Hon Sha Se Sho Nen

Technorati Tags: ,,

The colours are: gold symbol, red aura on green background.

This symbol works on the mental body. It is used for absent healing, past lives, and is known as the bridge between heaven and earth.

It transcends time and space.


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Saturday, 11 July 2009


The colours are: gold symbol with red/orange aura.

This symbol works on the emotional body and is used for emotional healing, purification, protection and clearing.

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Monday, 22 June 2009

Cho ku rei

The colours are; gold symbol, silver aura on violet / purple background.

This symbol works at physical body level and empowers all healing. It is the “key”, the activator.

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Cho ku rei can be used either clockwise or counter clockwise.

The Symbols

In the posts to follow we will be showing the symbols in colour as given to us through Reiki Master and channel, Else Billing.

The paintings are by Reiki Master and artist, Jade Fellowes-Smith.

The first five symbols are those considered to be ‘traditional’ and are the ones brought to us by Doctor Usui who rediscovered Reiki in the late 1800’s.

Channelled information tells us that Reiki originated in Atlantis and was a system for healing devised by a priest in the Temple of Healing who we now know as Ascended Master St. Germain.

The rest of the symbols have been brought to us via various channels over the years.

As the human race evolves, so more symbols will come to us when we are ready to work with them. We have been informed that there may be over 200 in total!

The colours shown here are when the symbols are quiescent. When the symbol is activated the colours will change in accordance with the interplay between healer and healee.

Friday, 12 June 2009

What It’s All About

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Welcome to the Reiki Liberation Blog.

We hope you can take the time to look and that you will gain some small inspiration when you do!

This blog is being created in the spirit of love and freedom, and from our belief that ‘Reiki’ has been gifted to us all, that all may use and benefit from it.

The word ‘reiki’ means Universal Energy, it belongs to nobody and yet is available to everybody.

It is a gift of beauty and healing from Spirit to the human race, it is a gift given freely and in the sacred trust that it would be passed on freely to all in their need.

On our blog we aim to show you the symbols commonly associated with Reiki in colour. The colours having been given us through channelling. Please feel free to copy the images and use them as you wish for the good of all beings.

Symbols to follow in future posts.